We value your privacy.

Our partners. pays for the right to access the web through your device whenever it is available. The access to the internet via your device allows you to enjoy the free VPN. We don’t need to sell your information to make money. We value your privacy and will always protect your rights.

What is a VNP
Your data is secured- we don’t want any of it

With PaladinVPN you are completely anonymous. Unlike other VPN providers we only know your IP address. We operate in compliance with GDPR/CCPA. For more informtion, please read our privacy policy, or contact us incase you have any queries.

Download PaladinVPN
Best Free VPN
Complete control over everything

You decide to allow PaladinVPN to use your connection. You are the one who controls everything while using PladainVPN. Select if only seletcted apps use PaladinVPN or all apps. The decison is yours.

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Moral and ethical concerns
Moral and ethical concerns

Our partners. strictly adheres to ethics and collects publicly available web data in a totally anonymous way and only from major well known sites. We screen our customers carefully.

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24/7 Available
24/7 available for you

Concerns? Questions? We have a 24/7 team that can answer your questions. Our team is there to support you throughout your stay with us. Contact us using any of the mediums from the following source of communications: Skype or email.

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Download PaladinVPN free
for Windows

A private virtual network with
distinctive capabilities and a
high level of security.

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